Recently we've have received a large number of inquiries into how we can assist various "System" small businesses to the top the search engines & gain more traffic to their websites as well as social media outlets. Unfortunately, I can not offer too much assistance other than guidance through consultations for these Small Biz owners.
Here is the deal, if you are a independent consultant, representative, or salespersons for any of these "system" companies, my best advice to you is work the system. Your upline has already done the hard work for you. The upline are the ones in possession of the business plan & the system is the marketing plan. When you sign up to partner with them, they complete your forms work for you, ie. EIN, Tax info, booklets, order forms, etc. The upline has already proven the system works or they wouldn't be pushing their products.
As with any small business there will be a large amount of NO's. Stick with the system to succeed! What they do not help you with, is supplying you with all the vast amount of other resources you could be utilizing, to grow your company. The upline only gives you just enough resources to get you going. For those that have been working the system but have come to a standstill, just enough is just not enough. That's where Simplified VA's virtual assistants can come in and assist you. We want you to be successful in your business. We know the tools that may help you get over your hump & get you going up the line.
Answer your self these few questions:
Why this company?
What is your goal?
How is your progress going?
Do you think there might be more that you could be doing?
The system works, you need to take control of your part of the system and make it yours!